Cloud @ Alex Fischer's Chance-Taker Crisis Mentoring Program Webinar.

14 Jul 2020, 12:29
Nuco.Cloud @ Alex Fischer’s Chance-Taker Crisis Mentoring Program Webinar Last Friday our CEO Tobias Adler traveled to Dusseldorf to present project and a future of cloud computing at a webinar organized by famous Alex Fischer - real estate investor, business strategist and entrepreneur. His book “Reicher als die Geissens” was sold in 200.000 copies, His “Real Estate Investor Podcast” was streamed more than 4 mln times and his videos reached around 9 mln viewers. More than 1500 workshops have inspired many young investors and entrepreneurs helping them to create a portfolio of more than 22.000 home ownerships. The Webinar was hosted by Marcus Riemenschneider - long standing stock market and real estate investor and it was attended by 100 members, hand picked by Alex Fisher, interested in investment possibilities in cloud computing and blockchain technologies. For most of them it was their first time experience with that subject and they were very happy to listen to the expert point of view presented by Tobias. We were very happy to acknowledge a big interest in our project and we hope there will be more possibilities to educate investors and entrepreneurs. For more information about our project please follow us on social media platforms or send us an email to - we will be happy to answer your questions. If you are more interested about Alex Fischer and his advisory platform here are some links: